PM Terrance Drew hails arrival of Caribbean airlines, milestone for St Kitts and Nevis
PM Terrance Drew hails arrival of Caribbean airlines, milestone for St Kitts and Nevis || image credits: PM Terrance Drew

St Kitts and Nevis: The Prime Minister of St Kitts and Nevis – Dr Terrance Drew, expressed immense pleasure and pride on the arrival of the Caribbean Airlines at the national airport yesterday, July 24th, 2023. 

The inaugural flight flew from Trinidad and Tobago and arrived in St Kitts and Nevis via Antigua and marking the day as a historical event carrying the rich history of the Caribbean region.

On the arrival of the Caribbean Airlines in the Twin Island Federation, Prime Minister Terrance Drew witnessed the landing and welcomed the passengers and crew to the nation. To mark this event, he has taken to his official social media handle and shared his momentous joy with the residents and citizens of St Kitts and Nevis.

PM Terrance Drew hails arrival of Caribbean airlines, milestone for St Kitts and Nevis

While sharing his remarks explaining the significance of the arrival of Caribbean airlines to the country, Prime Minister noted, “Greetings, Today, we witnessed even more fruits of our labour as we welcomed Caribbean Airlines.” 

In this context, he emphasized that welcoming the inaugural flight of Caribbean Airlines holds substantial importance for the nation as it opens the doors for tourism and visitors.

PM Terrance Drew hails arrival of Caribbean airlines, milestone for St Kitts and Nevis

Meanwhile, he further acknowledged the instance and its historical ties with the Caribbean region; he said that the arrival flight was welcomed as a renowned carrier with a rich history of serving the Caribbean area. 

Furthermore, as per the updates shared by the Prime Minister of St Kitts and Nevis, it was noted that the tourism sector of the Federation would get a major boost and becomes majorly facilitated.

PM Terrance Drew hails arrival of Caribbean airlines, milestone for St Kitts and Nevis

Moreover, PM Drew also shared a number of photographs and glimpses of the arrival of the Caribbean Airlines through his official Facebook account. Following the flight’s landing, Prime Minister met and extended his greetings to the visiting passengers of the flight and shared words of appreciation.

The passengers and visitors were welcomed uniquely by St Kitts and Nevis authorities under the supervision of Prime Minister Terrance Drew. The passengers were honoured and welcomed with different traditional dance performances showcasing the rich culture and heritage of the Twin Island Federation. 

PM Terrance Drew hails arrival of Caribbean airlines, milestone for St Kitts and Nevis

Following this, PM Drew and his fellow delegation also delivered their address to mark the significance of the special occasion, noted reports.

As per the sources, it has been anticipated that Caribbean Airlines should provide new and budding opportunities to the tourism sector and people involved in it on a large scale. 

In addition, Prime Minister Terrance Drew emphasized that by welcoming the flight to the nation, he recognized that the national tourism sector has immense potential to unlock.

The goal is to provide a facilitated journey and living experience to the visitors and tourists in St Kitts and Nevis, and the Government has been making sure to make it accessible to each visitor from across the globe along with the Caribbean region, said PM Drew.

In his remarks, he further outlined that the nation is thriving to boost and lift its tourism sector by increasing footfall in St Kitts and Nevis. He concluded, “Let us embrace this moment with gratitude and enthusiasm, knowing that together, we are building a better St Kitts and Nevis for generations to come.”


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