Hashemite University places second in Jordanian Universities competition
Hashemite University places second in Jordanian Universities competition (image credits Facebook)

Jordan: Hashemite University won second place at the level of Jordanian private and public universities in the competition “Jordanian Universities” organized by Zaytouna University. During the ceremony, Professor Dr Sadiq Shadifat, Dean of Student Affairs, and Dr Hanan Saadat, Director of the Cultural and Technical Activity Department at the Student Affairs Department, were present.

As per the sources, the results were declared recently by the officials of Zaytouna University, where the winners were honoured, among which Hashemite University bagged the first position.

During the competition, the students of the Cultural and Technical Activity Department participated in the major student affairs of Hashemite University, five students whose names are mentioned below.

Hashemite University places second in Jordanian Universities competition

– Leyan Louie Odeh – a speciality of medical and laboratory sciences, which achieved second place at the level of the Jordanian universities, and the students Alaa participated.
– Emad Mansour and Israa Shahada Marai, Majd Ibrahim Al-Siriheen and Arej Al-Braisa were honoured with certificates of appreciation for their excellence in the literary and creative field.

The compassionate Professor Dr Fawaz Al-Abd Al-Hahq Al-Zaboun said, “Language is the intellectual vessel that supports students, and reading is the best way to establish human and moral values, for which it has a great impact on the upliftment, in the minds of our students on the civil, cultural and intellectual level.”

On his part, Professor Dr Sadiq Shadifat, Dean of Student Affairs, also noted that “We are in the Directorate of Student Affairs under the guidance of the compassionate Professor Dr Fawaz Al-Abd Al-Haq Al-Zaboun, the President of the University, we are working as clerics for the advancement of the Hashemite University on all scientific, literary, cultural levels, and most importantly, ethical.”

Furthermore, he also stressed that reaching the world through embracing students by discovering, developing, and refining their talents with courses that elevate their relevance and strengthen their self-confidence.

He also added that it makes them harmonize with the activities of the main student affairs department as increased hope and the heartbeat of the heart of Hashemite University, the main student affairs department.

Professor Al-Shadifat expressed his great gratitude and appreciation to Zaytouna University, represented by its President and Dean of Student Affairs, for efforts made in serving Arabia and its people by announcing such competitions that strengthen the relations between universities and strengthening the values of loyalty and belonging to this precious country.

The dean of Student Affairs, Dr Sadiq Shadifat, further added that the dean would remain the embodiment of creativity and excellence as it grows and elevates its students.

The winning student Lian Louie congratulated the return of her congratulations to the female students from the Department of Cultural and Technical Activity and the female students.

She expressed immense pride and appreciation for this victory, which heralds the high level of students at Hashemite University.

“Confirmed the Director of the Department of Cultural and Technical Activity, Dr Hanan Soadat, that participation in such competitions has the greatest impact in building the cognitive and intellectual abilities of students, which is further enriching their culture and upgrading them to become a community habit,” said the sources.

These competitions are of great importance, especially when they are at the level of Jordanian universities. They will attract students to participate in the creative side as they develop a competitive spirit.


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