Dubai: In its strategic plan, Dubai Customs has committed itself to promote the concept of social responsibility to be more comprehensive and carrying out social, health, environmental, national, charitable and voluntary activities to contribute to supporting issues affecting society in order to unite efforts and establish a more comprehensive vision in cooperation and coordination of roles between various government agencies.
To achieve the country’s goal of sustainable development, in line with the Dubai Customs Strategic Plan 2021-2026.
The department implemented 80 community initiatives during the first half of this year, benefiting about 290,000 beneficiaries from all groups in society—initiatives for physical and mental health and awareness workshops directed to employees and the community.
An agreement was also signed with the Irada Center for Treatment and Rehabilitation to enhance community awareness and reduce the societal stigma associated with addiction, in addition to awareness workshops for school students and employees, and sports initiatives with the celebration of international days, as initiatives were directed to all segments of society.
Dubai Customs has devoted its efforts to launching community and voluntary initiatives that enhance the services provided to members of society, whether students, workers, the elderly or people of determination, in line with the directions and vision of the leadership.
Anoud Abdullah, Director of the Creative Services, Events and Social Responsibility Department at the Corporate Communication Department at Dubai Customs, said that the department has strengthened its efforts in supporting sustainable initiatives, especially community ones, while making a difference and diversity in the implementation of initiatives to include everything that is a community, charitable, voluntary, humanitarian, health and environmental. In order to reach the lofty goal of promoting social solidarity prevailing in the UAE.
The Director of the Creative Services and Events Department emphasized the extent of harmony and harmony between Dubai Customs and its strategic partners in uniting efforts and establishing a more comprehensive vision in cooperation and coordination of roles between various government agencies in supporting community work and promoting the concept of social responsibility through a series of joint initiatives with those agencies.