“I have just signed the order to stop supplying electricity immediately to the Gaza Strip,” Cohen said in a video statement. “We will use all the tools at our disposal to bring back the hostages and ensure that Hamas is no longer in Gaza the day after the war”
The students from the Ohel Shem High School, Israel, have recently participated and bagged the first prize in the Robotics competition organized by the Ministry of Education
The Minister of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), Amr Talaat, delivered a speech at the Collaboration and Engagement Day, organized by the Egyptian Information Telecommunications Electronics and Software Alliance (EiTESAL).
Jammu and Kashmir, India: J&K Bank launched JIA (J&K Bank Intelligent Assistant), which will be facilitating the customer-engagement. The AI-enabled Chatbot will assist the bank authorities in providing better-personalised services to the customers.
India: The top tech leaders across the world share a common connection and roots of being an Indian national, whether Alphabet's Sundar Pichai, Microsoft's Satya Nadella along with CEOs of Adobe, IBM, VMWare, Palo Alto Networks, reports Bhutan Live.
The Minister of Communication and Information Technology of Egypt, Amr Talaat, attended a signing agreement between 'Egyptian Telecom' and 'Greece Telecom' in Cairo today 2022, to create a marine cable network which will connect Egypt and Greece.
The Minister of MCIT (Ministry of Communication and Information Technology), Amr Talaat, updated that he has signed a Memorandum of Understanding between Egypt and Zambia to promote their cooperation in the field of Communication and Information Technology today, December 12th, in Cairo.
“I have just signed the order to stop supplying electricity immediately to the Gaza Strip,” Cohen said in a video statement. “We will use all the tools at our disposal to bring back the hostages and ensure that Hamas is no longer in Gaza the day after the war”
Reports suggest that former security officers loyal to Assad have regrouped in the mountains to resist the interim government. Ali, another resident of Banias, described the chaos that engulfed his neighbourhood, with armed factions looting homes and targeting Alawite families
Perera and Charlas, both auto-rickshaw drivers from the southern Indian state of Kerala, were lured to Jordan by an agent's promise of blue-collar jobs offering a salary of 350,000 rupees ($4,000) per month