Egypt: Minister of Trade and Industry Ahmed Samir tours 11 acres textile industries complex

The Minister of Trade and Industry, Ahmed Samir, took an inspection tour of the Textile Industries Complex and Old Industrial Zone in Mahalla accompanied by the Governor of the West, Tariq Rahmi and several other government officials.

Egypt: Minister of Trade and Industry Ahmed Samir tours 11 acres textile industries complex
Egypt: Minister of Trade and Industry Ahmed Samir tours 11 acres textile industries complex (image credits Facebook)

The Minister of Trade and Industry, Ahmed Samir, took an inspection tour of the Textile Industries Complex and Old Industrial Zone in Mahalla accompanied by the Governor of the West, Tariq Rahmi and several other government officials. The leaders visited a total area of 11 acres which contained 611 specialized industrial units.

According to the updates, during the inspection tour, the Minister of Trade and Industry, Ahmed Samir and Governor of the West, Tariq Rahmi, was also joined by the General Manager of the Textile Industries Complex, Muhammad Fares.

The leaders, Ahmed Samir and Tariq Rahmi were welcomed by the Major General and Deputy Chairman of the General Board for Industrial Development, Hazem Annan, during their visit, along with a number of the leaders of the province. 

In addition, the Minister of Trade and Industry, Samir, directed the Industrial Development Authority to provide more facilities to investors.

The Minister started the tour by visiting the branch of the General Authority for Industrial Development and reviewed the services offered by the branch, which include operating licenses and industrial registration services.

He also listened to the demands of industrial investors who received the service in the branch of the Authority and addressed the need to provide more facilities to all investors by giving a push for workflow and accelerating the production wheel.

During his visit, Samir inspected the 11-acre Textile Industries Complex with 611 specialized industrial units that are designed and equipped with the highest technologies that serve production inside the units as well as the units’ areas of 48 square meters per unit are compatible with the nature of activities located in the complex.

He also mentioned that the appropriate height for the complex to enter machines and equipment, indicating the occupancy rate at the complex is 54%, with the number of units allocated to the investors in the complex reaching 334 units.

In his remarks, Samir explained that the yarn, textile and ready-wear industry is one of the major industries of the national economy that contributes significantly to meeting the needs of the local market and exporting to regional and international markets.

Meanwhile, he shed light on the ministry’s keenness on developing the sector and providing modern technology in the yarn and textile industry to keep up with global specifications, upgrading the efficiency of old machines and developing Infrastructure for factories, provision training programs for workers as well as the development of flirts, improving sales and marketing methods, as well as the creation of specialized industrial complexes throughout the Republic, to meet the needs of the local industry from production supplies and intermediary industrial goods.

“The industrial units in the complex are ready with all the licences and environmental requirements and are available under the right-to-use system at affordable prices, which contributes to encouraging small business owners to quickly start production and attract them to join the official economic system and eliminate randomness and ensure that these projects receive the benefits that the state offers to the authorized projects,” said the Minister.

During the end of his visit, Minister Samir also inspected a number of factories located in the old industrial zone of Mahalla El-Kobra, specializing in textile industries and exporting to the markets of European countries and the United States.

The exports to the United States amount to about $ 3 million annually, and its production volume is $ 12 million annually. He says Manufacturing hotel textiles for a number of hotels in Saudi Arabia, as well as most hotel chains operating in Sharm El Sheikh, said Samir.

Ultimately, he noted that one of the factories exported to the global markets was worth 20 million dollars, and another one exported 25 million euros. The Minister also inspected one of the baby clothing factories that Export to the most famous global brands, where these factories provide thousands of job opportunities.


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