Iraq: Colonel Abdul Yarallah inspects Sixth Infantry Division, congratulates Eid al Fitr to officers
Iraq: Colonel Abdul Yarallah inspects Sixth Infantry Division, congratulates Eid al Fitr to officers (image credits Facebook)

Iraq, Middle East: The Chief of Staff of the Army and Team 1st Special Forces Colonel Abdul Amir Rashid Yarallah, yesterday, Saturday 22 April 2023, has recently visited the Sixth Infantry Division and inspected the fighters and extended his heartiest congratulations on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr.

During his visit to the site, Colonel Abdul Amir Rashid Yarallah was accompanied by the officers of the Sixth Infantry Division along with the Commander of the Ground Forces and Director of the Intelligence and Security Board of the Ground Forces Command.

As per the updates, the first stop was to visit a number of points within the boycott of the responsibility of the Second Regiment of the 22nd Infantry Brigade, and his masters congratulated his combatants for seeing their condition and listening to their problems.

Iraq: Colonel Abdul Yarallah inspects Sixth Infantry Division, congratulates Eid al Fitr to officers
Iraq: Colonel Abdul Yarallah inspects Sixth Infantry Division, congratulates Eid al Fitr to officers (image credits Facebook)

In addition, the second stop of his visit represented a visit to the headquarters of the 22nd Infantry Brigade, received by the Baghdad Operations Commander, Karkh Operations Commander, the Commander of the 6th Infantry Division, and the commanders of the formation said reports.

Meanwhile, upon his arrival, the Commander of the Major General gave a detailed briefing regarding the tasks, jobs, and the opening of branches in the region, securing roads, villages and government facilities, and the most significant obstacles and obstacles.

Furthermore, the Chief of Staff of the Army addressed the commanders and officers, in cooperation with the Federal Police, and fortified them with enough fighters, as well as rehabilitated them and made the army look decent.

Iraq: Colonel Abdul Yarallah inspects Sixth Infantry Division, congratulates Eid al Fitr to officers
Iraq: Colonel Abdul Yarallah inspects Sixth Infantry Division, congratulates Eid al Fitr to officers (image credits Facebook)

It was also stated that taking care of administrative aspects regarding livelihoods, daily wages and holidays, the commanders, formation, and team leaders will be assessed according to their interest in the administrative aspects.

In the end, its sovereignty and the delegation of facilities, the training field of the Commando Brigade of Baghdad operations command, to see the stages of achievement and qualification of infrastructure and facilities for the area.


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