Egypt: The Minister of Environment, Yasmin Fouad has continued the efforts of monitoring and periodic follow-up of nature reserves in southern Sinai Governorate of the country. the nature reserves has become one of the major attractions to the visitors both foreign and Egyptian during the celebrations of Eid al-Adha.
As per the shared information, Minister Yasmin Fouad has said that the increase in the number of Egyptian and foreign visitors to the sanctuaries has been a prominent mode of tourism in Egypt during festivals, particularly this Hajj.
In the context, Minister of Environment, Yasmin Fouad has stated that the checks and follow ups are in progress in order to ensure the availability of all environmental conditions, means of protection, safety and security for visitors and practitioners of marine activities.

Along with which, it mentioned that a team of South Sinai Reserves, intensified wild and marine patrols in Ras Mohammed, Sharm El-Sheikh and Balohul, and Neema Gulf With the continuation of the maritime surveying of the beaches.
The reports have outlined that under the directives of Yasmin Fouad, the Minister of the Environment, the coastal monitoring efforts and the periodic follow-up of nature reserves are going through efficient processes. She said that regular check ups ensure better facilitations for the visitors from across the world during their visit.

Minister Yasmin Fouad extended her remarks and confirmed that the reserves are on alert to receive visitors from Egyptians and foreigners, since the first day of Eid al-Adha. The number of Egyptian and foreign visitors are predicted to increase during the second days of Eid Al-Adha.
The number of visitors to South Sinai reserves has reached almost (5405), and the total activities have reached Tourism to (149) for tourists, and the rates of visits are expected to rise in the coming days, said reports.
Minster of Environment, Yasmin Fouad, has supervised and followed-up the coastal surveillance work by the Red Sea Reserves team in the north of Hurghada city and south of the areas of Majawish.
On the other hand, Hashish plain and Makadi, is to follow up the full preparations to receive the tourists on first days of Eid al-Adha, she also made a check tour of Hurghada beaches, to check And the survey from the port of Yakhout passes through the island of Abu Manqar and the people of Sakala and ending with the island of Jaftoun.