Hashemite University Prez Fawaz Al-Zaboun highlights cultural significance in Jordan

Jordan: The President of Hashemite University, Professor Dr Fawaz Abdul Haq Al-Hak Al-Zaboun, emphasized the importance of cultural activities in Zarqa Governorate, Medina, during a recently held meeting with other university members.

He stated that the Jordanian cultural, social and humanitarian mosaic requires deep and serious cultural effort to extract and spread cultural treasures in this diverse, multicultural and social province.

On his part, he further added that Hashemite University is ready for cultural cooperation with various cultural bodies in the province and is a key partner in cultural work with all national efforts working in this field. He pointed out that the city of Zarqa witnesses a diverse cultural movement of the university and a vital role in it.

The university’s president also spoke about the role of the university, especially Queen Rania College of Tourism and Heritage, in documenting the cultural, social and tourism movement in Zarqa Governorate.

As per the sources, the delegation of cultural bodies attended the meeting in Zarqa Governorate included the literary and writer Dr Issa Haddad, member of the Board of Trustees of Hashemite University, who organized the meeting, Dr Mona Saud, Assistant Director of Zarqa Culture, Mr Abdullah Al-Moumani, President of the Zarqa Culture and Arts Forum.

Along with them, Qas Ahmed Abuhliwah, Director of the Literary House for Culture and Arts, Poet Omar Qasim, The Sons of Rasifa Cultural Association, and Mr Amer Samara, Vice President of the Pen Family Club, the researcher and writer from the Book Association, Mr Muhammad Al-Mashaikh, Mrs Faten Samirat, President of Al-Shabiba Christian Club, Member of the Governorate Council, and Mr Khaled Al-Zayoud, President of the Hashemite Cultural Forum were also present.

They emphasized the importance of promoting contemporary Jordanian literature teaching on the Faculty of Arts premises. The participants also outlined that guiding graduate students to prepare master’s and doctor’s messages on Jordanian literature in general and Zarqa in particular in this field is also important.

Furthermore, the University Library informed the authors of the book and Jordanian writers, holding scientific and honorary seminars and commemorating Jordanian intellectuals who lived in Zarqa.

It further included authors who are a large group who influenced the cultural scene Jordanian and Arabic, as well as the publication of an electronic cultural-literary magazine that means Jordanian culture, especially in Zarqa Governorate, and holding cultural conferences and festivals of the local speciality.

The meeting participants confirmed that the social diversity of the city of Zarqa has contributed to the enhancement and diversity of the cultural landscape. It was reflected that most Jordanian writers and creators have resided in Zarqa and enriched cultural activity in it. It is a city with its speciality and spirit that originates from this diversity and diversity that creates and renews cultural action.

They pointed out the university’s cooperation in holding seminars, evenings, story and poetry readings, holding artistic, creative and heritage exhibitions.

Additionally, the importance of setting up an ambitious cultural plan for Zarqa with the participation of all and organizing a cultural, artistic and literary tourist festival in Zarqa was also emphasized. The meeting also reflected on civil privacy on one side and attracted the local, Arab and international tourism movements to it on the other.

It appears that Al-Zarqa Governorate includes about (45) cultural bodies in Al-Zarqaa Governorate and the existence of cultural centres, such as the King Abdullah II Cultural Centre, which is equipped with theatres, seminars and lectures, and the Princess Salma Centre, which is related to childhood and family activities.


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