Mistaken Payment: Hungarian employee receives 367x Salary, refuses refund
Mistaken Payment: Hungarian employee receives 367x Salary, refuses refund

A Hungarian company paid one of its employees, who was working for it, 367 times his monthly salary by mistake, while the latter refused to return the money that entered his bank account.

According to Hungarian media, the man, whose identity was not revealed, hails from Somogy County, and worked for a short period in the company, and then his services were terminated during the trial period.

During that period, the employee was paid 92,549 forints per month, equivalent to 238 euros ($260), but the employer is in the employee’s account 367 times that amount.

The error is due to the fact that the employee provided a bank account in Austria in his employment data, and he had to receive his salary in the local currency (euro), to get 92,549 euros instead of the forint currency, which prompted the company to contact its former employee and asked him to return the money that was mistakenly transferred to his bank account, but he refused on the grounds that he could no longer access his bank account in Austria.

Police investigation showed that the employee withdrew 15,500 euros from that account through an ATM in southern Hungary before putting it into another bank account.

With the help of the Kapošvar District Prosecutor’s Office, the company has been able to freeze the Austrian bank account of the accused and has managed to recover about 72,000 euros so far, while still hoping to obtain the rest of the amount through possible legal means.

The employee was charged with illegal appropriation of funds.


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