Jordan: EM Muawieh Radaideh implements solid waste recycling project

Jordan: The Ministry of Environment of Jordan is implementing a project of solid Waste sorting and recycling (paper, cardboard, plastic, nylon, aluminium, metal) in cooperation with recycling authorities, environmental associations and civil society organizations.

Jordan: EM Muawieh Radaideh implements solid waste recycling project
Jordan: EM Muawieh Radaideh implements solid waste recycling project (image credits google)

Jordan: The Ministry of Environment of Jordan is implementing a project of solid Waste sorting and recycling (paper, cardboard, plastic, nylon, aluminium, metal) in cooperation with recycling authorities, environmental associations and civil society organizations.

As per the records, the project is facilitated under the framework of the National Plan for Environmental Awareness and the National Plan for Waste Management (2022-2026) approved by the Cabinet of Jordan.

The minister of Environment, Muawieh Radaideh, further explains in his remarks that the project will include the distribution of Waste sorting containers, awareness programs on the proper management and recycling of solid Waste, and a work plan for collection and sorting mechanisms to spread environmental awareness, adjust environmental behaviour, reduce random disposal of Waste and move towards the green economy in waste management.

Furthermore, the reports confirmed “The desire of the Ministry to open up the space to as many parties concerned with waste recycling as possible, to strengthen cooperation with all sectors.” in addition, the strengthening of the association among parties aims to consolidate the concepts of integrated solid waste management.

Increasing better investment in the solid waste sector, and raising the waste recycling rate, are also essential in the project, which will reduce its negative effects and the number of Waste in municipal solid waste dumping. Certified in the kingdom more than in its operational age.

Moreover, the parties wishing to cooperate and participate with the Ministry and be a partner in the implementation of the solid waste sorting and recycling project should submit an official request to the Ministry of the Environment, attaching the following documents:

– A valid commercial record of the company’s objectives and objectives to work on solid waste recycling

– A detailed suggestion on the project implementation mechanism and previous experiences in this field.

– A comprehensive business plans

– Certificate of registration for societies and civil society organizations

– A document issued by an official authority stating that the association or civil society organizations are still operating.

– Among the objectives of the association / civil society organization is to sort and recycle Waste, and previous experiences in this field

Therefore, the following conditions and qualifications should be available to parties wishing to implement the project:

– The ability to supply the parties that want to implement the project has it after coordination with the Ministry of Environment with Farzoglam containers.

– The ability to implement periodic awareness programs related to Waste management and recycling in coordination with the Ministry of Environment

– The ability to adhere to machines for the collection and transport of solid Waste within a time program for each project implementation site



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