Jordan: Ministry of Transport to present road safety strategy for 2023-2027 
Jordan: Ministry of Transport to present road safety strategy for 2023-2027 (image credits Facebook)

Jordan: The Ministry of Transport of Jordan is set to present a draft sector strategy for the years (2023-2027) to update the transport and air policies to enhance road safety measures. The draft is expected to be presented next month in the presence of the Guidelines Committee.

According to the sources, the transport and air policies will be completed starting next July. In addition, a team from the World Bank is currently cooperating with the Ministry of Transport officials from the Department of Planning to review and update the road safety strategy.

The reviewing process is expected to be completed in July, commemorating parallel with the draft presentation of the strategy on the steering committee chaired by Prime Minister Bashar Al-Khasaouna to update the strategy of the transportation sector.

The reports further cited that the updated strategic plan is likely to be announced in the last quarter of this year. The Ministry of Transport is seeking to update its transport sector strategy for the years (2023-2027) from mid-year 2021.  

The task has been handled by the Ministry of Transport task force from the Planning Directorate and in collaboration with a team from the World Bank and a designated expert from the European Union and the UNDP office in Amman, according to the source.

Furthermore, the updated strategy has several key objectives and milestones to improve the quality of services offered to citizens, especially in public transport and railway projects attractive for private sector investment for financial return.  

The draft will also focus on enhancing regional cohesion and taking advantage of intelligent and technical solutions and their applications in the transportation sector. The National Integral Smart Transport System project to improve public transport services and provide services regularly to all governorates of the Kingdom will also be a part of the draft.

As per the reports, work is underway to review sector-related legislation governing the work of the Ministry of Transport and its associated bodies to come up with a unified transport law to unify legislation and remove distortions.

The review process is also working to improve the sector’s infrastructure through the implementation of the high-frequency bus project between (Oman-Zarqa) and inside Amman and the high-frequency bus joint operation project Inside Amman and between Amman and Zarqa. Depending on the source.

“The updated strategy document features a holistic view of the transportation sector focused on the analysis of the cost of projects and the financial gap for their implementation and suggesting other funding sources within the strategy such as the general budget, revenues from the transport sector and activating the partnership with the private sector and grants,” said the reports.

Moreover, to close the significant funding gap in funding transport sector projects, the interest in environmental dimension and climate change simulation in the transformation of transportation into environmentally friendly means, according to the source.

Additionally, sources also revealed the most critical strategic update output, which read as follows;

The Transport Sector (2023-2027) operates through the target of measurement indicators, most importantly, raising the percentage of the transportation sector’s contribution to the GDP and creating job opportunities, reducing the cost of transportation from the average family income.

Along with reducing the use of private cars and raising the percentage of public transport users from all movements (Mode Share) to reduce the cost of damages arising from total traffic accidents and reduce the transportation sector’s energy consumption and emissions resulting from the transportation sector.


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