Jordan: Minister Abu Al-Samen attends Arab Bridge Company meeting in Cairo
Jordan: Minister Abu Al-Samen attends Arab Bridge Company meeting in Cairo (image credits Facebook)

Jordan: The Minister of Transport of Jordan, Maher Abu Al-Samen, attended the meeting of the General Assembly of the Arab Bridge Company for Navigation held in Cairo on Sunday, 30 April 2023. 

The meetings are considered an opportunity for the siblings to meet and work to strengthen the cooperation between the three countries in different transport fields.

During the meeting, several other ministers and members were also present, including the Egyptian Minister of Transport, Engineer Kamel Al-Wazeer, and representatives of Iraqi Transport Minister, Engineer Razzaq Al-Saadawi with Hazem Al-Hafazi, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company.

The reports further added that the General Assembly reviewed the company’s general budget and results for 2022 and looked at the company’s achievements and activity during the past year.

The company has achieved positive results despite the circumstances, crises, and challenges it faced, which impacted the working environment from a rise in fuel prices and operational services, a decline in the exchange rate of the Egyptian pound against the US dollar, and a rise in inflation the world, said reports.

Minister Abu Al-Samen stressed that the company’s management’s alternatives, work plans, and strategies to raise the competitiveness of the Aqaba-Nuiba maritime line increase passenger rates on the company’s back.

It also diversifies and increases the company’s revenues from operational activities, leading to its success in overcoming difficult conditions and achieving positive results in 2022 and during the first quarter of the current year.

According to the company’s figures, trade movement across the Aqaba-Nuiba line in the first quarter of the current year increased by 53%, passenger transportation activity increased by 18%, and vehicles transported increased by 192%.

Abu Al-Samen extended his remarks and added: “The tourist company activity on the Aqaba-Taba line also saw an increase of 96% if the company works to move tourist groups between the Golden Triangle in Jordan (Al-Petra, Wadi Rum, Aqaba) and South Sinai resorts (Taba, Saint Catherine, Dahab, Sharm El-Sheikh).”

As part of the company’s plans to develop and upgrade its late-end fleet, Abu Al-Saman revealed that the company is introducing a new cargo vessel into service within the second half of this year.

Between the new steamship with loads of up to (100) trucks, it maintains the balance of trade exchange movement. It absorbs the growing trend of trade exchanges on the Aqaba-Nuiba line that connects Arab Asia with Arab Africa and helps to keep trucks from piling up in ports during peak periods.

Minister Abu Al-Samen praised the performance of the company’s management and its ability to convert challenges and threats into opportunities and factors of success through work plans, alternatives and procedures implemented to overcome difficult circumstances and achieve positive results and stressed the importance of continuing this approach to maintain this distinctive Arab figure.

After the meeting, Abu Al-Samen, Minister of Transport, stressed the depth of the brotherly and historical links that exist between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Arab Republic of Egypt, and the Republic of Iraq, stressing the importance of strengthening and documenting the cooperation between the three countries in all spheres.


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