Jordanian PM Bisher Al-Khasawneh inaugurates 'Women on the Frontlines' conference in sixth edition
Jordanian PM Bisher Al-Khasawneh inaugurates 'Women on the Frontlines' conference in sixth edition (image credits: Prime Ministry of Jordan)

Jordanian Prime Minister Dr Bisher Al-Khasawneh presided over the opening of the events of the “Women on the Frontlines” conference in its sixth edition of the North Africa and Middle East region organized by the May Chidiac Foundation. 

The Prime Minister extended regard to the women of the country during the event and stressed their contribution to the growth of the nation.

As per the reports, the conference aims to empower and encourage women in their quest to achieve sustainable results that serve the public good and society in all its aspects, highlighting the stories of women and girls who have challenged, achieved successes and left footprints in various sectors.

Jordanian PM Bisher Al-Khasawneh inaugurates ‘Women on the Frontlines’ conference in sixth edition

On his part, the Minister of Government Communications, the official spokesman of the government, Faisal Al-Shaboul, confirmed in his speech on behalf of Prime Minister Dr Bisher Al-Khasawneh, that all decisions, legislation, and procedures aimed at supporting and empowering women to be on the front lines will not be able to win the bet if she does not believe in herself and her abilities.

It was also stressed that if she does not appear, the political and social environment is sufficient to respect women and their role in society and public life.

Head of the May Chidiac Foundation and former Minister of State for Administrative Development Affairs in Lebanon praised the efforts of Jordan led by King Abdullah II in the areas of empowering women and promoting their participation in public life.

She also pointed out that a banner was sponsored by Queen Rania Abdullah for the first edition of the Women’s Conference on the Frontlines Public 2016. Chidiac outlined that the climate of peaceful change that began to touch a new reality in the region would alleviate the atmosphere of cramps that women have always paid the price for.

Furthermore, “the sparks of tension that began to fade on one of the fronts, as it is achieved in Yemen, do not hesitate to return to ignite in another country as it is the situation in Sudan is exploding with all the positives achieved by women who participated in the revolution and dreamed of a better new tomorrow,” she noted.

She emphasized that the challenges facing women are great as women are still absent due to traditions and social values at a time of courageous women and resistant initiatives to break stereotypes and prove their presence, which influenced public opinion and made a difference.

In turn, the member of the executive board of the May Chidiac Foundation and President of the conference, Maha, the poet, took advantage of her speech to congratulate King Abdullah II and Queen Rania Abdullah on the two awards they won last year, namely the Road to Peace Prize and the Zayed Human Brotherhood Award for 2022.

She highlighted the bravery of Jordanian women, who played a pivotal role in developing the economy, education, and the healthcare system, as she praised the role that Arab women played in facing challenges armed with a will not surrender to difficult circumstances.

During the opening session, the achievements of the May Chidiac Foundation were reviewed through its five conferences held in Oman since 2016.

The sources have reported that the opening was attended by Princess Basma Bint Ali, Princess Dina Mourad, Minister of Government Communications, Official Spokesman of the Government Faisal Shaboul, Minister of Social Development and Chairman of the Ministerial Committee for Women Empowerment Wafaa Bani Mustafa.

Along with the Minister of State for Legal Affairs Nancy Namrouka, President of the May Chidiac Foundation and Former Minister of State for Administrative Development Affairs in Lebanon Media May Chidiac, and prominent female figures in the political, diplomatic, media, artistic and economic spheres from Jordan and the Arab world.



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