Dominica: PM Roosevelt Skerrit hosts Swiss Ambassador Rita Hammerli-Weshke
Dominica: PM Roosevelt Skerrit hosts Swiss Ambassador Rita Hammerli-Weshke (image credits Facebook)

Dominica: Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica – Dr Roosevelt Skerrit, expressed immense pleasure towards welcoming the Ambassador of the Swiss Confederation Rita Hammerli-Weshke to the Caribbean Island yesterday, April 14, 2023. The meeting was held to discuss mutual matters of concern and to strengthen the strategic relationship between both countries.

According to the shared updates, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit took to his official social media handle to greet and welcome the Swiss Confederation Ambassador, Rita Hammerli-Weshke, at his office. 

While holding the Ambassador, he acknowledged that this visit is an essential step towards empowering mutual diplomatic ties between the Commonwealth of Dominica and the Swiss Confederation.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister of the Caribbean nation, Roosevelt Skerrit, also shared a glimpse of his meeting with the Swiss Ambassador, Hammerli-Weshke, through his official Facebook post. 

He also extended his heartfelt greetings while noting in his caption, “I held cordial talks last evening with Her Excellency Rita Hammerli-Weshke, Ambassador of the Swiss Confederation to the Commonwealth of Dominica.”

The reports have also stated that during the meeting, both leaders mentioned pressing issues and mutual concerns in front of both countries. Prime Minister Skerrit added, “We discussed matters of mutual interest and committed to further strengthening diplomatic ties between our countries.”

In addition, PM Skerrit outlined the primary topics discussed during the meeting and stated that both countries are willing to share efforts to enhance the mutual association in different fields. 

Majorly, they emphasized that industries such as education, health care sector, tourism sector, and business opportunities connect Dominica and Switzerland deeply.

In this regard, it was also said that the mentioned areas of the fields would be enhanced through mutual efforts of the governments of both countries. 

Furthermore, Dominica and the Swiss Confederation need to adapt innovative measures and modern-day solutions to tackle the challenges and difficulties in such fields to transform them into more functional areas.

The Prime Minister of Dominica, Roosevelt Skerrit, has been hosting a number of world leaders for cordial meetings to enhance diplomatic relationships of the Commonwealth of Dominica with other countries in the world. 

Additionally, the meetings held by PM Skerrit was also highly praised by the countries’ citizens as they recognized their leader’s efforts to uplift the nation towards growth and development.



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