Dominica: PM Roosevelt Skerrit to address parliament session on family bills
Dominica: PM Roosevelt Skerrit to address parliament session on family bills (image credits Facebook)

Roseau, Dominica: Dr Roosevelt Skerrit – The Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica has updated that the Parliament session will be held on 25 April 2023 at 10 am. He also addressed the press conference held on Friday regarding the updates on the family bills aiming to provide a better lifestyle to the women, children and elderly of the families.

In his address, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit added that during the parliamentary session, a presentation would be featured explaining the different aspects and projected amendments to the family bill. 

He outlined that through the family bill, the families of Dominica will get a variety of benefits in many ways, such as safety, security, and support for women and children. The children of Dominica are also anticipated to get equal benefits and rights through the family bill.

He stressed that all the discriminatory rules and regulations in the law for children would be revoked after the implementation of the family bill. The law will further ensure that all the children will have equal status and rights irrespective of the marital status of their parents. 

In addition, PM Skerrit also shed light on the aspect of inheritance and succession of the children in their parents will, along with the way they get treated by them.

In this regard, Prime Minister Skerrit also emphasized that the maintenance of the law related to children will also come into motion to ensure the rights of the child in the United Nations Convention. The existing provisions and regulations related to the such bill will also be considered for improvements.

While mentioning such bills, he also stressed that the issues connected to providing equal rights and maintenance for them had been a matter of great significance. 

He noted that this comes into the light, especially when it is about the relationship between the single parent and child who faces disadvantageous at the time when a parent goes to every limit to provide adequate and required financial support to his or her child.

The family bill will help the system to regularize and put a controlling system on such situations and facilitate the child with safety and security. 

The bill will also focus on the maintenance aspect of the spouse and parents. The mentioned two groups are left in a situation of vulnerability and unprotected, which will also be catered to in this bill by providing provisions for their safety.

Moreover, the act also put the care and support of the family’s elderly people, such as parents and grandparents, in the centre who needs maintenance because of several factors such as age, mental stability, along with disabilities, said Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit.

During the press conference, Prime Minister Skerrit also talked about the protection for the victims of domestic violence along with promoting their safety. The concept comes into the picture because of the devastating incidents of domestic violence in the last year. 

The government of Dominica, under the leadership of PM Skerrit, will take five different laws to the parliament for the well-being of their citizens and those vulnerable such as domestic violence cases and children.



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