Israel: PM Benjamin Netanyahu hold crucial talks with US Senator Lindsey Graham
Israel: PM Benjamin Netanyahu hold crucial talks with US Senator Lindsey Graham (image credits Facebook)

Israel: The Prime Minister of the State of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, has recently attended a meeting with the Senator (R-SC) from the United States (US), Lindsey Graham at the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem, Israel. 

The meeting was held to discuss matters of mutual concern and shared interest, along with strengthening diplomatic ties with the United States and Saudi Arabia.

As per the shared updates, the officials from the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem took to the official social media handle to release the information regarding the meeting. 

The update read, “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today at the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem, met with US Senator (R-SC) Lindsey Graham.”

Furthermore, it was also stated that before their meeting, PM Netanyahu and Senator Lindsey also met with the Minister of Strategic Affairs of Israel, Ron Dermer. 

In addition, they further held an expanded meeting in which the Prime Minister’s Military Secretary, Maj.-Gen. Avi Gil and Avivit Bar-Ilan, National Security Council Deputy Director for Foreign Policy, participated.

As per the sources, on his part, Prime Minister Netanyahu addressed the Senator and noted that “I told Saudi Arabia I’d like to upgrade our relationship. and then we have to do it in a way that would be reassuring to our friends in Israel. I want to help President Biden.”

He also stated, “I told the Crown Prince that the best time to upgrade our relationship is now, that President Biden is very interested in normalizing and enhancing the relationships with Saudi Arabia and, in turn, Saudi Arabia recognizing the one and the only Jewish state. I will do it to the extent I can help make that happen.”

“I believe that the Republican Party would be happy to work with President Biden to change the relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia, that eventually could result in the acknowledgement of Israel by the Saudi government. That is why I’m here. It will take a lot of effort, but it is worth trying,” added Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

He extended his remarks and affirmed that as a nation, “We want normalization and peace with Saudi Arabia. We view that as perhaps a giant leap towards ending the Arab-Israeli conflict. This agreement could have historic consequences for Israel, Saudi Arabia, the region, and the world.”

We welcome, obviously, the American participation by President Biden, by support from both sides of the aisle in Congress,” Prime Minister concluded.


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