Jammu and Kashmir: Leading the way in embracing equality and secularism
Jammu and Kashmir: Leading the way in embracing equality and secularism (image credits google)

Jammu and Kashmir, India: The land of Jammu and Kashmir has been recognized as the region which embraces the concept of equality and secularism among with people. People from different beliefs and backgrounds live together in euphony while engaging in each other’s values, culture and festivals.

A citizen named Zubair from Kashmir has noted that the valley is full of love and togetherness with the diversification of different people and cultures, which shines bright. 

He stated that the brotherhood among the people is unbreakable, which is a true spirit of its people, which is also a ray of hope in terms of releasing religious tensions.

The land is a heritage site of rich culture and values with a valley of snow-capped mountains and is surrounded by natural beauty. Regardless of the faiths, the people celebrate each other’s festivals and culture with love and respect, which reflects humanity over everything.

The secular nature of the Kashmir valley has witnessed a unique phenomenon recently as the valley has seen a variety of festivals in the last month, as the Sikhs celebrated and observed Baisakhi while the Muslims celebrated Jumu’atul-Wida whereas Shia Muslims honoured Youm-ul-Quds.

The collective celebrations in Kashmir reflected the diverse culture and values which are respected in the valley. The festivals were celebrated on the same day, which is a true example of secularism which the people of Kashmir carry with them.

 The trend is not observed in recent times, but it has a prolonged history of tolerance and coexistence of distinct beliefs, religions and values in the Kashmir region. A Hindu festival, Ram Navami, was celebrated by the Kashmiri Pandits on the occasion of the birth of Lord Rama.

On the other hand, Good Friday was observed by the Christians of the valley, celebrating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. This further showcase the mutual respect and values which the people of Kashmir hold for each other while keeping the peace among themselves.

People from all religions and beliefs participate equally and happily in the celebrations of each other’s festivals while supporting the ideology of one secular region.


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