Israel: The Prime Minister of the State of Israel – Benjamin Netanyahu, visited the Synergy Cables in Sderot yesterday, April 20, 2023. During his visit to the place, he toured the factory, which manufactures high-tension cables, and it’s testing labs.
According to the shared updates, the Prime Minister’s Office of Israel shared the news through its official social media handle. While touring the synergy cables factory, he was accompanied by a number of other ministers and top government officials.
Furthermore, during his visit, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also engaged in an interaction session with the workers and management authorities of the Synergy factory. In his remarks, PM Netanyahu noted, “I am very moved by this visit because every time I come to Sderot and the area around the Gaza Strip, I see the great development.”

He continued his address and said, “In the past decade, we have 70% population growth here. This is not expressed just in highways, the train station, other transportation upgrades, and the doubling of thousands of housing units – but also in industry.”
Furthermore, “There is an industry here, in the good and original sense of the word, of manufacturing products that assist in the growth of our economic infrastructure. I am very impressed by this factory; it has a great past. It was built in the 1930s and has been upgraded with the most up-to-date technology.”
Meanwhile, Prime Minister also pointed out the role of technology in the modern world along with the human part to play in it. He emphasized, “In the end, all of this technology is operated by people; it is operated by you. First of all, I appreciate the work you are doing here, opposite neighbours who want to uproot you.

Moreover, “Immense growth is the right answer to terrorism. The right answer to terrorism is to strike at the terrorists. We did so in several very powerful operations that always need to be resumed because that is the character of these neighbours,” asserted the Prime Minister.
He also added the second thing is to plant our roots very deep in the land. This means communities, industry and work.
“I simply want to thank you for what you are doing not just for this important factory or this important community but for this important part of our country. The area around Gaza is Israel. You contribute to Israel’s security and economy. Thank you from the heart,” noted PM Netanyahu in his speech.
Also participating in the event were Sderot Mayor Alon Davidi, MK Hanoch Milwidsky, MK Eli Dalal, Manufacturers Association President Dr Ron Tomer, Prime Minister’s Office Director-General Yossi Shelley, Synergy Cables owner Ronen Elad, CEO Ronen Yehezkel and factory employees.